Vintage 1945 Dress and Jacket - Vogue 1136$12.99 (tax incl.) (Click Picture to Enlarge) Dress suitable for day or evening wear with dramatic jacket, from Vogue Archives…. Categorized in Adult, Dress, Female, Retro/Vintage (After 1930) Variation Choose a VariationEE - US Sizes 14-20AA- US Sizes 6-12 Quantity Buy NowTagged in Adult, Agent Carter, Captain America, Female, New, Peggy Carter, Vogue, Vogue Archives, Vogue New Description Related Products (Click Picture to Enlarge) Dress suitable for day or evening wear with dramatic jacket, from Vogue Archives. A little late for Captain America, and a little early for Agent Carter, but still workable. (Very limited quantities. Out of print.) 1950's Vintage Aprons $0.00 - $10.99 (tax incl.) Choose Options 1950's Vintage Aprons was last modified: 2015-02-22T20:46 by CosplayMarc V1136f 11 1/2" Fashion Doll Clothes $0.00 - $9.99 (tax incl.) Choose Options 11 1/2" Fashion Doll Clothes was last modified: 2015-02-22T20:46 by CosplayMarc V1136f Ladies' Jacket/Dress Ensemble $0.00 - $9.99 (tax incl.) Choose Options Ladies' Jacket/Dress Ensemble was last modified: 2015-02-22T20:46 by CosplayMarc